In total Wordfeud has 104 letters. The letters with their respective values, are distributed as listed:
Wordfeud letter distribution with values
Wordfeud letters
As you can see, the letters A and E are the most common letters in the Wordfeud game. Not surprising when you know that you can also make most words with this. But what good is this information and how can you use it to your advantage in your next game of Wordfeud?
It is useful to keep track of how many and which letters have been played. This way you can accurately estimate which letters you might get when you write a word (the chance is greater or smaller). This allows you to decide whether or not to play certain letters so that on the next turn you can use everything to create a complete 7 letter word. Therefore, always use our Wordfeud Cheat to create Wordfeud words. Enter your 7 letters and immediately receive all possible words hidden in your letters.
Another reason to check how many letters there are in the Wordfeud game is to keep track of the progress of the game. This way you can make a good estimate of your opponent's letters later. Do you think you know which ones they are and do you have the same letters? Then get rid of it quickly, so that your opponent no longer gets the chance. This creates the possibility that he will be left with the letters, so he cannot earn extra points.